Monday, July 13, 2009

Surviving the summer

Wow - I can't believe how fast the summer has been flying by! As I mentioned in my last post, the end of my spring session classes were close at hand. They are now officially over and the grades are posted (I did better than I expected, but according to Geoffrey, that's fairly normal, as I seem to always expect one grade lower than I actullay earn, lol). I am sure these delightful kitty highlighters, sent by one of my Flickr contacts, were part of my success. Thanks, Nicole'!

The other parts of my success, of course, include the support of all of my friends and family, and Geoff in particular. Many thanks to those of you who read this blog and who ask about how things are going. I know I do not always have the most gracious response, but I am working on it and I appreciate everyone's care and concern.

Unfortunately, this last round of Clomid did not help me ovulate with any great predictability, and the ultrasound this morning seems to indicate that I have some "leftovers" and that my uterine lining is a bit thicker than to be expected. I had to have a blood draw (never fun, as I am opaque and one of my veins is, as the nurse said, "a bit crooked") to confirm that I do not have an ectopic pregnancy.

If things are in the clear, then I have a prescription for a triple dose of Clomid and around day 20 of my cycle I will need to start testing my urine daily to see when I will be ovulating. Having done that last month, with not a lot of precision or therefore, success, I am not looking forward to it. But, it's way cheaper than going to Southfield every two to three days for an ultrasound.

So now I am trying to get caught up at work, trying to get organized at home, and trying to have a bit of fun over the summer too. Geoffrey and I have been walking the dogs ever increasing distances and I know we're all the better for it. I went to the fruit market over the weekend and came home with some lovely veggies that I will hopefully cook and not allow to turn into petrie dishes in my crisper. Even if I don't get pregnant, I can at least get healthy!

More soon.

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