Sunday, June 21, 2009

Walking it off

Zookie glamour shots, originally uploaded by Kodamakitty.

Well, the SIS (see last entry below) looked good, but the Clomid did not appear to be making my ovaries develop any faster than usual, despite the double dose. So, rather than having an ultrasound on cycle day 11, I went in on day 13. Still no major developments. To me, the most ominous phrase must be, "I'll talk with the doctor and call you to let you know what to do next."

The verdict is that Geoffrey and I will need to purchase an over the counter ovulation predictor kit. The kit comes with test strips to try and identify a surge in LH, which tells you that ovulation is imminent in the next 72 hours. Unlike a pregnancy test, you have to take the test in the afternoon, preferably around 2 pm (that should be fun at work) and it takes about 10 minutes. Once there's a surge, then we are supposed to have intercourse three days in a row in order to try and intercept the egg.

As my coworker Craig observed, "normally the most fun thing about having kids is making them, but that doesn't sound like the case here." LOL! It's true - this feels a bit more like a science experiment than anything else. Thank goodness Geoffrey and I have a long history with each other, I am quite sure that is helping reduce some of the awkwardness that could come from having sex on schedule. We're both fairly silly and playful, and that definitely helps to alleviate some of the tension.

In the meantime, with the nicer weather and cool mornings, I've been trying to take my girl Zookie (see picture above) out for more walks. I don't mind the treadmill, but it gets a bit boring. Early in the morning the day is fresh, there aren't as many distractions and Zookie is a joy to walk (unless there's a squirrel, then all bets are off. She's getting better). I don't sweat as obviously as I do on the treadmill, but I've been taking longer and longer walks, so hopefully that compensates a bit. I would much rather walk outside - winter will be here soon enough and force me on there every day.

If Geoffrey and I do not get pregnant this month, then I'm back on the Clomid at 150 mgs. I am quite sure that at that level I am bound to have to suffer through more of the side effects I mentioned in an earlier post (dizziness, bloating, etc. ). Thankfully, my eight week spring classes will be over and it should be relatively easier to call in, if necessary.

That's the scoop. I'm trying not to get too stressed out about it, and to be honest, I'm actually too tired at the moment (work, classes, home, unbalanced checkbook, daily performances for Orientation Wednesday - Thursday) to be too jittery. I just have to keep walking it off!

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