Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Me Then: October 23, 2008 (which was my birthday)
San Antonio Riverwalk

Me Now: August 2, 2009

I was using the "Faces" feature in iPhoto and suddenly wanted to see photographic evidence that I was actually managing to lose weight. I know my clothes have been fitting better and I am enjoying smaller portions of things, but I really think these two shots hammer home that I am making progress and that I need to keep going. Sooner or later, I'm sure I'll be taken off of the metformin and I need to be ready.

In other news, I finished a triple dose round of Clomid (150 mgs per day) last week so tomorrow morning I go in for yet another ultrasound. If all goes well, we'll attempt insemination again on Friday. It's been frustrating, especially as I start to sort through all of the stuff in the house and begin to realize just how mortgaged to the hilt we really are. But I am sure that we would be able to handle a baby, right? We'd just have to make do and cut back on stuff and sell stuff and borrow stuff and make it work :)

Thanks as always to everyone for their loving support - especially Geoffrey.

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